Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Milestone

Well, it's been a bit since I've posted. On August 6th I made it to my 9 month mark in sobriety. Time has gone by fast but felt like it's been dragging at the same time. It's been a long journey so far and it is still the beginning. After so many huge changes I've made in my life in the past 9 months, I'm finally starting to see and feel a bit of the progress inside. I need to keep reminding myself of how rough the road has been with all of the changes and that I've made it through thus far and should feel very proud of myself. When I look back on it, I do feel good inside about how I've done and how I've grown since November 6th last year. I still have a hard time with anxiety but I am working more in depth on inner issues and will hopefully learn to make the changes in my behaviors, reactions and inner dialogue among other things.

I'm seeing my therapist regularly again and waiting for an assessment which will help determine what specific treatment is recommended for substance abuse along with the anxiety and depression going along with it. The assessment is toward the end of the month so I'm anxiously waiting for the appointment.

I've been a bit stuck with inspiration for more graphics lately but came across a tutorial that shows you how to make a photo look like a Na'vi character from Avatar. Here is how my first attempt doing it turned out.
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out for a first time. Will keep looking for inspiration for more graphics.