Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Totally forgot!

Thanks Chels for reminding me.

I've been so caught up with how I'm feeling with anxiety and all of my issues that I completely forgot to mention in my last posting that my brother and sister-in-law came to visit over New Years and they brought their son, Milo, with them. It was the first time I've had the chance to meet him and he is the cutest thing EVER!!!

I went to lunch with them and mom and while we were shopping a little bit he wanted me to hold him so he could look at all the sunglasses in the glass case. He kept saying "woooooow" over and over and just pointing at everything. It was adorable!

Lunch was fun too cuz he kept looking at me a bunch and showing me the different facial expressions he makes. He has a 'handsome' face where he kind of smirks in a cute way and lifts his chin high in the air. He has a sour face, too, which is hysterical. He grimaces in a cross between being really angry and eating something disgusting. lol!

I wish I would have gotten pictures with him on my ipod touch to post. (sigh) Well, next time I get to see them I'll have to see about taking some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. i wish i wouldve gotten pictures with you two too. i feel bad i was so sick and no fun at all.
    you can tell milo adored you from the first second!
